
Donations and Payments to Support Our Women’s Advocacy

Monthly Branch Meeting

Payment for the monthly meeting will be applied to the next scheduled meeting from the date of sale. Please choose the vegetarian option if you require a vegetarian meal. (Note: Please present the receipt at the door. The receipt is emailed by PayPal.)

Monthly Meeting

Tech Trek Donation Fund

Support Tech Trek, AAUW's summer camp for middle school girls that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Your contribution will help send local girls to camp at UC Davis. Our branch would like to give more girls this opportunity; we typically fund camperships for two girls, other branches send as many as eight! For more about Tech Trek and all it offers click here

Contribute to AAUW Fund

Click here for more information about supporting AAUW Fund.

Amount Options
AAUW Funds


Saturday, May 10th

9 am- 2 pm


The Redding Branch of the American Association of University Women invites you to tour 6 lovely gardens on the Saturday before Mother’s Day. You may purchase tickets on this web site. Ticket brochures purchased online by the general public can be picked up on the day of the tour at the Behrens-Eaton House Museum located at 1520 West Street, Redding. Tickets will also be available beginning April 1st at these locations:

  • Holiday Markets on Placer and Hartnell in Redding
  • Holiday Market in Palo Cedro
  • Dandelion on Pine Street

Your purchase of the ticket brochure will benefit local Women’s Scholarships and support our National Organizations programs and activities to advance gender equity for women and girls.

We are featuring four private gardens, one public garden and, by special invitation, a newly installed Victorian garden adjacent to the Behrens-Eaton House Museum. Light refreshments will be available all day outdoors on the grounds of the museum.  The gardens may be visited in any order. In the event of a large crowd gathered at one venue, you will be encouraged to visit another and return later.

Garden Tour Ticket